1. Distinguish public international law from private international law
2. Give such a definition of Int Law which could cover all the modern trends in it?
3. Discuss the concept of Neutralization. How is it done? Explain the Rights, Duties and Guarantees given to a Neutralized state.
4. Define Recognition. Differentiate between Defacto and Dejure Recognition.
5. What is meant by 'Subjects of Int Law'? Justify Individuals as the subject of Int Law by giving appropriate examples.
6. Discuss various modes of Acquisition of Territorial Sovereignty by the states acknowledged in Int Law.
7. Give an account of the efforts of international community to protect the civilian population from the effects of war.
8. Discuss in detail amicable means for settlement of international disputes.
Objective Part
1) Consuls, in receiving state are considered representative of:
(a) Head of State
(b) The government
(c) Foreign Office
(d) None of these
2) International law is not a true law but a positive international morality:
(a) Brierly
(b) Oppenheim
(c) John Austin
(d) None of these
3) Who is known as father of International law?
(a) Jessup
(b) Grotious
(c) Hegal
(d) None of these
4) Albama claim arbritation determines the principles of:
(a) Extradition
(b) Nationality
(c) Neutrality
(d) None of these
5) Decision of arbritation is:
(a) Binding on parties
(b) Not binding
(c) Partially binding
(d) None of these
6) Indo-Pakistan conflict in 1965 was a:
(a) Non-war Armed conflict
(b) War
(c) Just border conflict
(d) None of these
7) Nationality of a women as a result of marriage with a foreigner is:
(a) Lost
(b) Changed
(c) Nothing is done
(d) None of these
8) Tashkent declaration between india and pakistan in 1966 by USSR was a:
(a) Conciliation
(b) Mediation
(c) Arbitration
(d) None of these
9) Geneva convention for POWs was signed in:
(a) 1949
(b) 1952
(c) 1945
(d) None of these
10) Armed attack on enemy fall under:
(a) Retortion
(b) Reprisal
(c) Intervention
(d) None of these
11) Briand-Kellog pact was signed in Paris in:
(a) 1923
(b) 1928
(c) 1945
(d) None of these
12) Universal declaration of Human rights was passed by:
(a) Geneva Convention
(b) Vienna Congress
(c) UN General Assembly in 1948
(d) None of these
13) Truce is:
(a) Agreement of ceasefire
(b) Peace treaty
(c) Agreement of exhange of Prisoners of War
(d) None of these
14) Concept of state will was first time given by:
(a) Hegel
(b) Grotious
(c) Bynkershoek
(d) None of these
15) If a pakistani citizen is involved in counterfeiting US currency, US can claim jurisdiction over him on the basis of principle of:
(a) Subjective Territoriality
(b) Objective Territoriality
(c) Exta Territoriality
(d) None of these
16) Charge' d Affairs, appointed in a foreign state has to report to:
(a) Head of State
(b) Head of government
(c) Foreign Office
(d) None of these
17) Charter of international crimincal court was adopted in:
(a) Rome conference 1998
(b) Geneva Convention
(c) General Assembly
(d) None of these
18) Genocide Convention 1951 protects the:
(a) smaller minority groups
(b) Prisoners of war
(c) Non-combatants
(d) None of these
19) Extradition means:
(a) Capurting a criminal
(b) Exchange of Diplomats
(c) Exchange of criminals to other states
(d) None of these
20) International court of justice can exercise its jurisdiction on:
(a) All disputes between states
(b) With concent of any one party
(c) With concent of all parties
(d) None of these
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