Each question
is five points each. Passing is 25 points. Write the letter of your choice in
you examination booklet. Regarding the problem type, always explain your answer.
A mere yes or no answer shall earn no points.
1The President forged an executive agreement with
Vietnam for a year supply of animal feeds to the Philippines not to exceed
40,000 tons. The Association of Animal Feed Sellers of the Philippines
questioned the executive agreement for being contrary to R.A. 462 which
prohibits the importation of animal feeds from Asian countries. Is the
challenge correct?
A. Yes, the executive agreement is contrary to our
existing domestic law.
B. No, the President is the sole organ of the
government in external relations and all his actions as such form part of the
law of the land.
C. No, international agreements are sui generis which
must stand independently of our domestic laws.
D. Yes, the executive agreement is actually a treaty
which does not take effect without ratification by the Senate.
2. Carlos, a foreign national was charged with and
convicted of a serious crime in State X and sentenced to life imprisonment. His
country applied for relief with the International Court of Justice (ICJ),
arguing that State X did not inform Carlos of his right under Article 36 of the
Vienna Convention to be accorded legal assistance by his government. State X, as
signatory to the Vienna Convention,agreed to ICJ's compulsory jurisdiction over
all disputes regarding the interpretation or application of the Vienna
Convention. ICJ ruled that State X violated its obligation to provide consular
notification to the foreign national's country. ICJ also required State X to
review and reconsider the life sentence imposed on the foreign national. State
X then wrote the United Nations informing that it was withdrawing from the
Optional Protocol on Vienna Convention and was not bound by the ICJ decision.
What principle of international law did State X violate?
A. Pacta Sunt Servanda
B. Act of State Doctrine
C. Protective Principle
D. Jus Cogens
3. Which of the following statements is NOT
(A) No
province, city, or municipality, not even the ARMM, is recognized under our
laws as having an "associative" relationship with the national
(B) In international practice, the "associated
state" arrangement has usually been used as a transitional device of
former colonies on their way to full independence.
(C) An association is formed when two states of equal power voluntarily
establish durable links
(D) It bears noting that in U.S.
constitutional and international practice, free association is understood as an
international association between sovereigns.
4. It is a principle of international law that the
armed forces of one State, when crossing the territory of another friendly
country, with the acquiescence of the latter, is---
(A) not subject to the jurisdiction of the
territorial sovereign, but to that of the officers and superior authorities of
its own command.
(B)subject to the
criminal and civil jurisdiction of the receiving state
(C) Must
obtain express permission before its troops can pass through the territory of
another state
(D) understood to cede a portion of his territorial
5. Uti possidetis is
a principle in international law that territory and other
property remains with its possessor at the end of a conflict, unless provided
for by treaty.
Originating in Roman law, this principle enables a belligerent party to
claim territory that it has acquired by war. Literally it means (a) as you take
(b) as you use (c) as you possess (d) as
you use and possess
6. The term was
originally used in treaties to refer to the withdrawal of enemy troops and the
restoration of prewar leadership. When used as such, it means that no side
gains or loses territory or economic and political rights. (a) status quo
ante bellum (b)right of angary (c) treaty limits theory (d) jus bellum
7. Which of the following does NOT define
Rendition in the context of public international law ? (A) a "surrender" or
"handing over" of persons or property, particularly from one jurisdiction to another
(C) Act of
rendering, i.e. delivering, a judicial decision, or of explaining a series of
events, as a defendant or witness
(D) Each
state has a presumptive duty to render suspects on the request of another
state, as under the full faith
and credit clause.
8. In
the case of THE HOLY SEE vs. ERIBERTO U. ROSARIO, JR., ET AL. (G.R. No. 101949
December 1, 1994) the procedure is outlined pursuant to public international
law in pleading sovereign or diplomatic immunity in a foreign court.
l. State the procedure.
2. In the United States the procedure followed
is the process of “suggestion”. EXPLAIN THE “process of suggestion”.
9. The case arose when Cuba
nationalized its sugar industry, taking control of sugar refineries
and other companies in the wake of the Cuban revolution. A large number of
Americans who had invested in those companies lost their investments without
compensation when the Cuban government assumed control. However, despite the
loss suffered by United States nationals, the Supreme Court upheld the validity
of Cuba's domestic action and therefore rejected the claim of US nationals
against Cuba for their lost investments.
Question: What principle of international law
is applied by the U.S. Court regarding this matter? Explain this principle.
10. (a)
According to Jessup, what is the meaning of the doctrine of Rebus sic
stantibus? (b) What is the key element of said doctrine?(c) Does this doctrine
operate automatically to render a treaty inoperative.
End of the Examination
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